What is Microdosing? A Comprehensive Introduction for Absolute Beginners


New to microdosing and eager to learn? You're in the right place. This comprehensive guide takes you from the basics to the more complex facets of microdosing. Perfect for those just beginning their exploration.

Keywords: What is Microdosing, Comprehensive Introduction, Absolute Beginners, History of Microdosing, Popularity of Microdosing, Common Substances, Benefits, Diagnosis, Resources

The Basics: What is Microdosing?

Curious about what microdosing actually entails? Simply put, it involves taking a small, sub-perceptual dose of a psychedelic substance. Generally, this is about a tenth of a full psychoactive dose. Want to dive deeper? Check out our A Practical Guide to Safe Microdosing: Dos and Don'ts.

A Brief History of Microdosing

If history fascinates you, you'll be interested to know that microdosing has been around for centuries across indigenous cultures. Modern interest in microdosing was largely influenced by Dr. James Fadiman and Paul Stamets. The legalization of psychedelic substances in Oregon and Colorado have further amplified mainstream interest.

Common Substances and Why They Are Used

  • LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide): Popular for its ability to improve focus and creativity.

  • Psilocybin Mushrooms: Known for enhancing emotional well-being and introspection.

  • MDMA: Occasionally microdosed to improve empathy and social interactions, although less common due to legal and health risks.

What Kind of Results Can You Expect?

Cognitive Enhancement

Many users report improved focus, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Emotional Balance

Increased emotional well-being and reduced stress are common benefits.

Spiritual Growth

For a deeper dive into this, read our post on The Role of Ritual and Ceremony in Microdosing.

What Diagnoses Can Benefit from Microdosing?

Anxiety and Depression

Research suggests potential in treating mood disorders.


Some anecdotal evidence indicates improved focus and attention.


For more on this, explore our Microdosing and PTSD: What We Know So Far blog post.


Whether you're interested in personal development, emotional well-being, or specific diagnoses, microdosing offers an array of benefits. Ready to learn more? Subscribe to our newsletter!


A Practical Guide to Safe Microdosing: Dos and Don'ts for Beginners